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Migrating from version 3

The following features are impacted by changes from version 3:

  • The Jaxon\App\CallableClass class
  • Namespace for the global functions
  • Creation of Response objects
  • File upload
  • Creating plugins

Optionnaly, the following features can take advantage of the new annotations feature.

  • Dependency Injection
  • Data bags
  • File upload

The Jaxon\App\CallableClass class

The Jaxon\App\CallableClass class is moved to another namespace.

With version 3

class HelloWorld extends \Jaxon\CallableClass

With version 4

class HelloWorld extends \Jaxon\App\CallableClass

Namespace for the global functions

In order to avoid conflicts with others libraries, the global functions, jaxon(), pm(), rq() and jq(), are now defined in the Jaxon namespace.

With version 3

$jaxon = jaxon();

With version 4

$jaxon = \Jaxon\jaxon();


use function Jaxon\jaxon;

$jaxon = jaxon();

Creation of Response objects

The constructor of the Response class were modified, and now takes objects provided by the dependency container as parameter. As a consequence, the creation of Response objects now requires to call a method provided by the Jaxon class.

With version 3

$response = new Response();

With version 4

use function Jaxon\jaxon;

$response = jaxon()->newResponse();

The global Response object can still be accessed with a call to jaxon()->getResponse().

File upload

The file upload feature is now provided in a distinct package, and disabled by default.

Implementing file upload with Jaxon now requires to install the jaxon-php\jaxon-upload package, and set the core.upload.enabled option to the boolean value true.

However, its usage is still the same as in version 3.

Creating plugins

New interfaces are defined to describe plugins features. Depending on the features its provides, a Jaxon plugin must implement one or more of these interfaces.

Concerning the request plugins, CallableRegistryInterface for those who register callables, RequestHandlerInterface for those who process Jaxon requests, and CodeGeneratorInterface for those who generate javascript or CSS code.

Concerning the response plugins, there is a single ResponsePluginInterface interface.


Annotations are an optional feature provided in the jaxon-php\jaxon-annotations package.

They are however recommended, since when they are used in a Jaxon class, they highly simplify the implementation of other features.

Dependency injection

The @di annotation defines objects that are injected in Jaxon classes, either when they are instanciated, or when their methods are called.

class HelloWorld extends \Jaxon\App\CallableClass
    // The $firstService attribute will be automatically set from the
    // dependency container, anytime this class is called.
     * @di
     * @var FirstService
    protected $firstService;

     * @var SecondService
    protected $secondService;

    // The $secondService attribute will be automatically set from the
    // dependency container, but only when this method is called.
     * @di $secondService
    public function doThat()
        // Call the services

        return $this->response;

Data bags

The @databag annotation defines data bags, which are data sets that are stored on client side, and made available on demand in Jaxon classes.

// The first_bag data bag can be accessed from all the methods of this class.
 * @databag first_bag
class HelloWorld extends \Jaxon\App\CallableClass
    // The second_bag data bag can be accessed only from this method.
     * @databag second_bag
    public function doThat()
        // Read data from or write data in data bags.
        $this->bag('first_bag')->set('first_value', $firstValue);
        $secondValue = $this->bag('second_bag')->get('second_value');

        return $this->response;

L'upload de fichiers

The @upload annotation implements file upload in a method of a Jaxon class.

class HelloWorld extends \Jaxon\App\CallableClass
    // Calls to this method will upload the files in the HTML input field with id field_id.
     * @upload field_id
    public function doThat()
        // Get the uploaded files.
        $uploadedFiles = $this->files();

        return $this->response;