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A hook is a public or protected method of a Jaxon class, that is configured to be automatically called before (__before hook) or after (__after hook) the processing of a Jaxon request to a given method of that class.


The hooks are configured either when registering a class or a directory, or in the configuration file.

$jaxon->register(Jaxon::CALLABLE_DIR, '/the/dir/path', [
    'namespace' => 'Ns',
    'classes' => [
        \Ns\App\FirstClass::class => [
            'functions' => [
                '*' => [
                    '__before' => 'beforeHook'
        \Ns\App\SecondClass::class => [
            'functions' => [
                'doThat' => [
                    '__after' => ['firstAfterHook', 'secondAfterHook']
    'app' => [
        'directories' => [
            '/the/dir/path' => [
                'namespace' => 'Ns',
                // 'autoload' => true,
                // 'separator' => '.',
                // 'protected' => [],
                'classes' => [
                    \Ns\App\FirstClass::class => [
                        'functions' => [
                            '*' => [
                                '__before' => 'beforeHook'
                    \Ns\App\SecondClass::class => [
                        'functions' => [
                            'doThat' => [
                                '__after' => ['firstAfterHook', 'secondAfterHook']

In the \Ns\App\FirstClass class, the beforeHook() method will be called before processing a request to any method.

namespace Ns\App;

use Jaxon\App\CallableClass;

class FirstClass extends CallableClass
    protected function beforeHook()

    public function doThat()
        return $this->response;

In the \Ns\App\SecondClass class, the firstAfterHook() and secondAfterHook() methods will be called after processing a request to the doThat() method.

namespace Ns\App;

use Jaxon\App\CallableClass;

class SecondClass extends CallableClass
    protected function firstAfterHook()

    protected function secondAfterHook()

    public function doThat()
        return $this->response;

Hook parameters

Parameters (constants or arrays of constants) can be passed to hooks while configuring them.

    'doThat' => [
        '__after' => [
            'afterHook1' => ['p1'],
            'afterHook2' => ['p1', 'p2'],

The name and the parameters of the method that is called by the Jaxon request can also be passed as parameters, using __method__ and __args__ as values.

    'doThat' => [
        '__before' => [
            'beforeHook' => ['__method__', '__args__']


Hooks can also be configured using the @before and @after annotations.

If the annotation is defined on a Jaxon class, the hook will be called when processing a request to any of its methods.

namespace Ns\App;

use Jaxon\App\CallableClass;

 * @before beforeHook
class FirstClass extends CallableClass
    protected function beforeHook()

    public function doThat()
        return $this->response;

If the annotation is defined on some methods, the hook will be called only when processing a request to these methods.

namespace Ns\App;

use Jaxon\App\CallableClass;

class SecondClass extends CallableClass
    protected function firstAfterHook()

    protected function secondAfterHook()

     * @after firstAfterHook
     * @after secondAfterHook
    public function doThat()
        return $this->response;