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Introduction to Jaxon

May 10, 2020
php javascript ajax
Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

Jaxon is a fork of the Xajax PHP library which allows to create Ajax applications with PHP. It exports PHP classes to javascript, so they can be called from a browser. It then provides a set of functions that can be used to define a webpage content and layout from these classes. At the end, a single javascript call can execute a set of complex actions on a webpage, which are defined in PHP on the server.

Unfortunately, the development of Xajax was suspended in 2012, short after the release of version 0.6. In July 2016, the 1.0.0 version of Jaxon was released. It took over the main features of Xajax, but with a completely re-written code. It is now separated into one javascript package, one main PHP package, and several extensions.

The latest stable version of the Jaxon library is the 3.2.1.

Jaxon features

The version 3 of Jaxon comes with improved extensibility and configuration. A new type of plugin was introduced: the packages, and it is now possible to bootstrap the library from a single configuration file. Another important new feature, the Jaxon classes do not need to be instantiated anymore when they are registered into the library.

The other features that was introduced in previous versions are still available: exporting directories and namespaces, uploading files, Ajax requests generation and pagination, etc.

Jaxon extensions

The Jaxon library provides 3 types of extensions.

The response plugins extend the Jaxon\Response\Response object, and add new features into a webpage, such as showing notifications or displaying graphs.

The integration plugins simplify the usage of Jaxon with existing PHP frameworks, and implement unified APIs for features such as view management or sessions.

The packages implement a complete set of frontend and backend features based on Jaxon, which can be provided in a dedicated page in an application.

A simple example

In order to show how Jaxon operates, in the following example a simple calculator for integer numbers is created with Jaxon and the Laravel framework. It requires to install Laravel and the jaxon-core, jaxon-laravel, and jaxon-dialogs packages.

The Jaxon classes will be located in the app/Ajax directory, which in Laravel corresponds to the App\Ajax namespace.

Here's the corresponding configuration, to be saved in the config/jaxon.php file.

return [
    'app' => [
        'directories' => [
            app_path('Ajax') => [
                'namespace' => '\\App\\Ajax',
                'autoload' => false,
    'lib' => [
        'core' => [
            'prefix' => [
                'class' => '',
        'js' => [
            'app' => [
                'export' => false,
                'minify' => false,
        'dialogs' => [
            'default' => [
                'message' => 'toastr',
            'toastr' => [
                'options' => [
                    'closeButton' => true,
                    'positionClass' => 'toast-top-center'

The Jaxon classes directory and namespace are defined in the app.directories section. The autoload parameter is set to false because the directory is already autoloaded by Laravel. The parameters in the lib.dialogs section indicate that the notifications will be displayed using the Toastr library.

This is the code of the Calculator class, to be saved into the app/Ajax/Calculator.php file.

namespace App\Ajax;

use Jaxon\CallableClass;

class Calculator extends CallableClass
    public function calculate($firstOperand, $secondOperand, $operation)
        $firstOperand = intval($firstOperand);
        $secondOperand = intval($secondOperand);
        $result = '';
        case 'a':
            $result = $firstOperand + $secondOperand;
        case 's':
            $result = $firstOperand - $secondOperand;
        case 'm':
            $result = $firstOperand * $secondOperand;
        case 'd':
            if($secondOperand == 0)
                $this->response->dialog->error('Cannot divide by zero.', 'Error');
            $result = $firstOperand / $secondOperand;
            $this->response->dialog->error("Operation '$operation' not supported.", 'Error');

        $this->response->assign('result', 'innerHTML', "$result");
        return $this->response;

The calculate() method will be called from the browser. The call to $this->response->dialog->error() uses the jaxon-dialogs plugin to display an error message on the screen. The call to $this->response->assign() displays the result in the HTML element whose id property value is result.

The following Laravel controller prints the page.

namespace App\Http\Controllers;

use App\Http\Controllers\Controller;

use App\Ajax\Calculator;
use Jaxon\Laravel\Jaxon;

class DemoController extends Controller
    public function index(Jaxon $jaxon)
        // Jaxon request to the Calculator class
        $calculatorRequest = $jaxon->request(Calculator::class);
        // Ajax call to a method in the Calculator class
        $calculatorCall = $calculatorRequest->calculate(pm()->input('first_operand'),
            pm()->input('second_operand'), pm()->select('operation'));

        // Print the page
        return view('demo/index', [
            'jaxonCss' => $jaxon->css(),
            'jaxonScript' => $jaxon->script(true),
            // Ajax call to a method in the Calculator class
            'calculatorCall' => $calculatorCall,

The call to $jaxon->request() returns a Jaxon request to the Calculator class, which is then used to generate the Ajax call to the PHP calculate() method. The contents of the HTML elements in the webpage are passed as parameters to the Ajax call using the pm() function.

The css() and script() methods of the Jaxon plugin for Laravel return the CSS and javascript codes to be inserted in the webpage.

The following HTML code is the content of the page, to be inserted into the demo/index.blade.php template.

<div class="row">
    <div class="col-md-2">
        <input class="form-control" id="first_operand" type="text" />
    <div class="col-md-2">
        <select class="form-control" id="operation">
            <option value="a">+</option>
            <option value="s">-</option>
            <option value="m">*</option>
            <option value="d">/</option>
    <div class="col-md-2">
        <input class="form-control" id="second_operand" type="text" />
    <div class="col-md-1">
        <button type="button" class="btn btn-primary btn-sm" onclick="{!! $calculatorCall !!}; return false;" > = </button>
    <div class="col-md-2" id="result">

Now to finish, the CSS and javascript codes of Jaxon must be inserted into the demo/index.blade.php template using the {!! $jaxonCss !!} and {!! jaxonScript !!} variables.

That's how Jaxon allows to make calls to a PHP class from a webpage, and to update the webpage from that PHP class.